Wednesday 28 March 2012

Domestic marimo grow in tap water at room temperature as long as the water is changed every one or two weeks (more frequently in summer and less often in winter). The marimo can be placed in the refrigerator in hot weather (above 25°C), but does not survive freezing.

Photosynthesis occurs in normal household lighting, otherwise, indirect sunlight since the marimo is adapted for low light conditions only. Marimo balls can be immersed in club soda water to increase the rate of photosynthesis. The elevated carbon dioxide favours algae growth but may be detrimental to fish and other aquatic creatures.

In Lake Akan the epilithic filament form of marimo grow thickest where dense salty water from natural springs flow into the lake. If the marimo green color turns brownish it may recover without intervention, otherwise a minimal amount of salt can be added as a suggested remedy.